Mechanical and Electrical Engineers.
Working in the Food Processing Industry, and Bakeries
We work on and obtain parts for most Bakery Machines and Equipment.
Hobart, Sinmag, Winkler, Fernetto, Sottoriva, Waico, Fortuna, Bear, Daub, Giotek, Logiudice, Kemper, Jac, Chandley, Marra Forni, Bongard, Pietroberto, Blue Seal, Bertrand, Damak, Ram, Mono, Vitella, VMI, Turri, Delta, Mimac, Boku, the list is endless.
Lilla and Probat Coffee Roasters and connected machinery.
We try to give every customer the best service possible.
No matter how new or old your equipment is, it will one day breakdown, we are there to assist with emergency repairs and call outs.
General Maintenance helps to prevent breakdowns and down time. Often it only requires a little oil and some TLC.
Complete Engineering Service.
Mechanical, Electrical, Mobile Welding.
Got one of those jobs, nobody can find the fault and put it right? Give us a call. 07860 639185.
Robert Edward Landragin
Phone: 07860 639185